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London Green500 approval for HeatingSave

HeatingSave and its parent company Tensor plc have been appointed as approved suppliers to the London Green500 scheme that aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 1.5 million tonnes by 2010 – the equivalent to a saving of around £150 million in energy bills. The scheme provides London”s businesses with practical advice and support on how to reduce their carbon emissions.

Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, launched the London Green500 scheme saying that the current economic crisis was the right time to implement the campaign as a lot of money could be saved if businesses became more energy efficient. “In lean economic times, there are real financial savings to be made for businesses by becoming more energy efficient, helping them to remain competitive. This can often be done in really simple and cheap ways, and it is our job in City Hall to rally, support and publicly recognise organisations that want to do so,” said Johnson.

HeatingSave”s intelligent heating and boiler management system is well placed to make a dent in the £150 million spend, already making a good start, for example, by reducing the fuel consumption of the Sea Cadets head office in Lambeth Road by over 50%. The HeatingSave computerised controller does this by learning a buildings “heat loss profile” and then applies this to its internal heat loss algorithm to use the least amount of energy to heat or cool a building.

Other advanced techniques such as boiler load optimisation, dry cycling prevention, automatic occupancy detection, intelligent frost protection, outside temperature compensation and variable temperature patterning are employed; all linked back to a PC software package that no only shows graphs and statistics of the savings made, but also calculates the kWh usage and CO2 emissions produced on a daily basis.

Typical cash savings are between 25% to 30%+.

“We are vey pleased with the Green500 approval” said Matt Ellwood of HeatingSave, “…this was only given after a full technical review by the London Development Agency of the HeatingSave system and examination of our other business credentials and accreditations”.

Matt Ellwood further added “HeatingSave is being used by both public and private organisations to reduce their energy bills and can make a significant reduction in London”s CO2 emissions”. HeatingSave is already Government approved to make savings by the Carbon Trust, DEFRA and the Energy Savings Trust.

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A Tensor plc company
HeatingSave Accreditations