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Microprocessor makes central heating more efficient to save money when Npower raises prices

Energy giant Npower blamed the “volatile global wholesale market” for making a big hike in its prices. Npower will raise gas prices by 15.7 per cent and electricity prices by 7.2% from the first day of October, it said. The firm said customers with a dual fuel tariff would see prices rise by 12.2% from October. The supplier, owned by RWE, expects the wholesale market to rise in the future, which suggests more tariff rises are forthcoming.

Homes and businesses facing big price rises can save up to 30% on fuel bills with the HeatingSave boiler control system. HeatingSave’s microprocessor continually refines its mathematical thermal algorithm of your property, so it gets better at making your boiler and central heating set-up more efficient. The HeatingSave controller records the reading of each temperature sensor every minute and counts the total on-time for every boiler, immersion, valve, pump, air conditioning unit and light. This data can be analysed and reviewed by the HeatingSave PC package that comes with every system.

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