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Green Deal Home Improvement Fund scheme extended


As part of the government’s drive to support the implementation of energy saving measures across UK households, the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is extending vouchers from the first release of the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund (GDHIF) until Tuesday 31 March 2015, allowing more time for millions of pounds worth of installations to be carried out.

The one-off voucher extension applies to GDHIF vouchers that have an expiry date before 31 March and have not yet been redeemed – affecting around 3,900 voucher holders – including vouchers that have already expired. For the first release of GDHIF, which was open to applications from 9 June to 24 July, vouchers worth up to a maximum of £7,600 were on offer.

Up to the end of December 2014, 11,061 vouchers have been paid and 13,613 measures installed through GDHIF, with £54.3 million claimed.

The extension is effective immediately and will apply automatically to eligible voucher holders -a new voucher will not be issued. To claim, eligible householders should carry out the work and submit their voucher for redemption to the GDHIF scheme administrator by 31 March 2015 – vouchers that have been extended will not be accepted after this time. All other terms and conditions for the first release of GDHIF continue to apply to customers and installers.

Vouchers from the second release of GDHIF which opened to applications on 10 December 2014, will not be affected and will be valid for six months as per the expiry date on the voucher.

Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Ed Davey said:

“The Green Deal Home Improvement Fund has been going like hotcakes – winter can be a difficult time to get installations done so by giving more time to voucher holders they can join over one million homes already benefitting from a warmer, cheaper winter thanks to our energy efficiency schemes.”

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HeatingSave is also approved to work and save fuel within the Energy Technology List, which is managed by the Carbon Trust on behalf of the Government. It is also approved by the Department of Energy & Climate Change and the Energy Savings Trust and was specified by the Building Research Establishment for the energy efficient homes retro-fit program, called The Greenhouse Project.

Last, but certainly not least, it’s important to mention that HeatingSave is a component part of the Government’s Green Deal program.

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